
Monday, October 27, 2014

Battle of Hoyt 2014

For our Fall Campree the Scouts decided to try something different and attend a Camporee sponsored by a different district.  The Powahay District of the CT Yankee Council put on the Camporee we chose this year which was held at one of our favorite Campsites, Hoyt Reservation in West Redding. Powahay supports the towns of Darien, New Canaan, Norwalk, Wilton, and Stamford.  It is somewhat ironic that the only out of district unit in attendance happened to be located closer to the Scout Reservation than the district's own Troops.

While we were somewhat disappointed that the truck brining the horses for the Revelutionary War Dragoon reenactment broke down and our re-enactors were turned from a cavalry unit into foot soldiers, we still had a great time.

During the morning the Patrols worked themselves through a series of stations to test their scouting skills and compete against the other Patrols in attendance.

During the afternoon the Scouts could watch the renactors, wander through the historical sessions to learn about Revelotionary era history and life (n.b. Revelutionary era medicine was kind of gruesome), or just have some free time.

Troop 4 acquitted itself quite well at the Camporee winning first place ribbons in two of the competitions.  The first was the Dutch Oven cooking competition.  Each Patrol provided a portion of the meal we delivered to the judges, the Venturing Patrol made Beef Jerky Stew, the Scout Patrol made an Apple Crsip dessert, and the Adult Patrol made bread.  I think we really impressed the judges.  

The second ribbon, and the one I am most proud of our scouts for was the Best Campsite Inspection.  Each Troop had their campsite inspected by the Senior Patrol Leaders committee against a dozen or so criteria including neatness, cleanliness, organization, gateway, proper kitchen, first aid kits plus several additional ones I don't remember.  Our Scouts received a perfect score and received top honors.  What makes me the most proud was that our site was organized and run mostly by the scouts.  In the past the Scoutmasters had to chase the scouts to make sure chores got done and camp hygiene was maintained, very little of that was needed this weekend.  It seems the lessons are sinking in and they are making these activities that are critical to an efficient campsite part of their regular routine.  Of course when we get a new infusion of green scouts we will probably have to start all over again, but I am please at how fast our guys have matured since last year.

For all the pictures from our weekend please visit the Troop 4 web album at:

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