
Monday, May 16, 2016

Nuclear Lake Hike

Saturday's  hike to Nuclear Lake in Pawling was picture perfect.   The hike was just under 5 miles and looped around a really attractive little Lake.   The lake once had a nuclear research facility on it and is famous for a minor accident.   Who knew we had something like this in our backyard?

The hike follows the Appalachian Trail (AT) around the west side of the lake before it loops back down a separate trail on the east side.   Because we were on the AT,  tradition dictated each hiker needed an AT nickname.   From left to right in the picture above our Scouts became Hangry, Duracell, Snickers, Birchbark Bob, Bassmaster, Marouse, Black Panther,  and Golden Duck while on the AT now and in any future hikes involving the AT.

For a complete view of our terrific day check out the hike's photo album at:

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