
Friday, November 22, 2013

Troop Activity Planning

Last week the scouts worked with Chris to decide who was going to be on each planning team for the rest of the Troop activities between now and the end of the year.  Part of what we are trying to do is let the scouts feel they own the Troop so they not only decided on these activities as a group but will also have the responsibility to help plan them as well.  

Wanted to let everyone know who the planning teams are.  The Scoutmasters and I will work with the Scouts during the meetings to help guide them along and Chris will include in his meeting agendas time for the teams to present to the Troop on their progress when appropriate, but we are going to ask that they work with their partners independently on some of their efforts and not confine the effort solely to Troop meetings.  Our goal is to help the Scouts learn to plan and organize which is a key component of the Scout Leadership training effort.

Cabin Camping 1/10-12 (Will I/Henry J)
Klondike Derby 1/25 (Henry B/Quinn)
Ski Trip 2/7-9 (William O/Chris)
March Hike 3/22 (William O/Cole)
Lean To Camping 4/4-6 (Will I/Quinn)
Camporee 5/2-4 (Chris/Cole)
Backpacking 6/6-8 (HenryB/Michael)
Summer Mini Venture - TBD

At the next meeting the Scoutmasters will start the process with the first two teams.  If your scouts are part of the 1st two efforts please remind them to think about those events and what they would like to do prior to our meeting on Monday.

Winter/Spring Troop Schedule updated

An updated Winter/Spring schedule for the Troop has been placed in the resource section of this site or can be directly accessed here:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Saturday was a perfect day for our vine cutting project at the Baxter Preserve.  We ended up with over a dozen people pitching in and helping out which is more than twice as many people as we had working last time.  As a result we were able to cover a much bigger area than last time.  Looking forward to next time.