
Monday, April 25, 2022

Freedom Trail 2022

Troop 4 had a fantastic trip to Boston last weekend to complete the Freedom Trail historic Trail Medal hike through downtown Boston.

We camped at the New England Base Camp outside of Boston in Milton, MA and had beautiful weather all weekend. The Scouts learned about the events and visited places that shaped the American revolution, including the USS Constitution, the Massachusetts State House, the site of the Boston Massacre, Paul Revere's house, the Bunker Hill Monument, and several others. During the hike, the Scouts collected information on the BSA Freedom Trail worksheet, learning details about the historic events along the way.  

On Sunday after breaking camp, we visited one more site, the North Bridge in Concord, MA, where the "shot heard round the world" was fired. This was a great ending to our weekend, as we were able to explore the grounds, found a great tree to climb, and again learned a lot about the founding of the U.S.A.

Click here for photos --

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Liam Smith -- Troop 4's Eleventh Eagle Scout

Troop 4 Purdys is extremely pleased to announce that Liam Smith, our current Senior Patrol Leader, has passed his Eagle Board of Review and is now Troop 4's eleventh Eagle Scout! He is also now the third Smith brother to earn Eagle out of Troop 4. One more to go! 

We are extremely proud of Liam for his accomplishment and his example of leadership and Scouting at its best. 

Congratulations, Liam and the Smith family!