
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The New Scout Year Is Almost Here - September Updates

We are almost ready to start the new year.  As a reminder here are the dates that should be on your calendar for September:

Troop Meetings

Patrol Meeting

Webelo Campout (William O/Tyler) 9/12-9/14
Housatonic Canoe Trip (Will I/Tony) 9/20-9/21
Orienteering event practice Mt Kisco 9/27

Greenbar meeting 9/2 (1st Tuesday of every month) - SPL, Troop Quartermaster, and Patrol Leaders
Committee meeting 9/9 (2nd Tuesday of every month)

Our full calander is on-line and can be found on our web page:

A hard copy of the calendar can be found on our Troop reference info pages on Google Drive at:

You can also subscribe to the calendar if your calendar supports iCal with this URL:

Looking forward to seeing some of you on the 2nd and the rest of you on the 8th.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Oswegatchie River Mini Venture


Rain, rain, and more rain.  4 days (3 on the river and one in a campsite preparing to launch) and we never saw the sun.  Rained on and off the entire first day on the water and down right poured each night.  Low temperatures in the low 40s and high temps in the upper 50s.  With all these handicaps we still managed to have a great time.  Why?  Preparation and proper planning.

This trip is the culmination and reward each year for those scouts who are at least a 2nd class in rank and participated in Troop activities and planning throughout the year.  The experiences gained helping our new scouts and planning our smaller activities carry over into this big event and provide the basis for succesfully carrying on under difficult circumstances.  The gear needed was planned meticulously (first time ever they didn't forget anything) and we remained dry and prepared for all Mother Nature had to throw at us.  The food was planned in great detail with an eye toward easy, fast, and minimal clean ups and we all had enough to eat and not much work to do.

The highlight of the trip was our visit to High Falls.  After canoeing in upstream over 9 miles in the rain the first day, we headed upstream another 4 miles pulling the canoes over beaver dams as we went to get to High Falls, an absolutely gorgeous spot which we spent hours exploring.

High Rock for lunch on our first and third day was also a highlight as was the peace and quite and knowing that we shared the 107,000 acres of the Five Ponds Wilderness Area in the Adirondack Mountains with no more than a couple of dozen other human beings.

Total mileage - 26 miles.  Memories to last a lifetime.

For a complete photographic record of our trip check out our Troop 4 photo album: 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

A week at Camp Waubeeka in Curtis Read Scout Camp

34 Merit Badges started, 24 completed, 2 finished from partials started last year, 21 Second and First Class rank requirements earned by each 1st year scout, a whitewater rafting trip, zip lining, dry and wet caving expiditions, archery and rifle competitions, a firebuilding challenge, a team Triathlon (really a Quadrathlon), a trebuchet building contest, two 6:15 am Polar Bear swims, and many games of cards and Settlers.  It's a wonder our Scouts found any time to sleep, prepare their meals or keep our campsite neat and tidy but they did.

Waubeeka is one of three camps that make up the Curtis S Read Scout Reservation in Brant Lake NY and is the traditional destination for Troop 4 every August.  Waubeeka is a Patrol Method camp where Troop Patrols are responsable for themselves for the entire week.  Working together as a team, patrol members share the responsibility for the patrol's success.  The Patrol method is at the heart of Baden-Powels vision of how a scout troop should operate and is at the center of how Troop 4 is organized.  Our boys got their own food, did their own cooking, cleaning and camp upkeep and by and large were responsable for themselves and their patrol.  They even managed to clean the latrines and shower house.

Every scout who attended camp grew and matured a little bit last week and they all should be proud of  what they accomplished.  I am.

A link to all the pictures from the week can be found here in the Troop 4 web album: